How do I ask for a referral?

What do you say to get a potential referral? Here are some ideas…

You could say this:

“I’m a referring associate (not a sales agent) with one of the largest brokers in Michigan who belongs to one of the best broker networks in the world, Leading Real Estate Companies of the World. We can help you find the most qualified agent to help you with your real estate needs. Because we are part of this network, you can expect the same level of service whether you are moving out of the area or staying in the area. I, along with our client services department, will stay involved to make sure you are happy with the agent and service you are receiving. There will be no obligation or fee for this service.  This personal introduction guarantees that you will have another partner and advocate who will personally work for your best interests along the way. Can I put you in touch with one of my colleagues?”

Or you could use your own words and consider these advantages you have:

  1. Potential buyers or sellers will appreciate your experience and offer to assist.
  2. As a licensed associate, it shows that your company has connections all over the world with top real estate affiliates in the US and abroad through our broker network.
  3. You provide personal service by easily and timely connecting them to a qualified real estate professional in any location without any obligations or fee.
  4. They won’t have to research the internet to locate agents blindly.
  5. You and your client have a designated relocation coordinator with your client’s needs and happiness in mind who will help them make them successful. If you don’t refer them, who else will be there to make sure their agent is delivering on their needs?
  6. Your clients are not choosing someone they don’t know, or a “friend of a friend” where personal feelings can get in the way if something goes awry.
  7. As you follow up with them, if the client finds the agent is not a good fit, the relocation coordinator remediates the situation immediately and can re-assign.
  8. The entire process is monitored until the transaction closes.
  9. You (the referring agent) can be as involved (or not) as you want.

When client agrees to the referral process. Obtain as much information as you can:

  • Name, address, phone numbers, email.
  • What day and time are they best reachable.
  • When they plan on making a trip.
  • Are schools important? Find out their preferences.
  • What are they looking for in an agent?
  • Have they been pre-qualified?
  • Do they have to sell first? (if they are buying)
  • Are they moving with a job?
  • Have they been to the location before?
  • If they are listing – can we refer them to a broker for a second opinion if they have an agent in mind?

Often times you have friends, relatives, friends of friends who are looking for a second home, vacation home, or condo for that college student who is attending school. The referral program is not just for those moving out of Michigan but anyone in your sphere of influence who is moving anywhere.

Keep getting the word out about what you can do for anyone needing real estate services. You can set up quarterly emails to your sphere and promote what you can offer on your Facebook page or other social media outlets. You are fortunate to have a dedicated relocation staff that offer this unique service at no cost to your clients.  You can guarantee your client, friends or family stellar service for this often stressful time in their lives.

A service to your client, a benefit to you! Practice makes perfect. Let us know how we can help you be successful!